
Texts shown below have been received by mail. Personal data and opinions referring to other brands are not shown. We have answered your questions as soon as reasonably possible. The most usual questions are: nearby points of sale, possibility to buy directly, etc. At Solfrío we read and answer all communications.

Many thanks to all of you for your comments

Send us your feedback!

You can also send us an email or call us.

Tel: +34 950 513 384

Luis Sánchez Torres
2 February 2016

Good afternoon,

I have just had one of your creams, the creamed vegetables, and I have to tell you that I was pleasantly surprised by the finish of the product, its texture and taste.

I would like to try the other varieties you have but the supermarket I usually go only has this cream.
Thanks to the quality of these creams, I will always have some at home for my children’s supper

Regards and congratulations.

Verónica, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid
10 December 2015

I live in Madrid and I love products from Almería.

Viva Almería!!!

Moisés Briones, Torrejón de Ardoz
24 September 2015

Spectacular, what a gazpacho! I have not prepared gazpacho since I tried it. Now I buy it. Congratulations Solfrío.

Gema, Mostoles
12 August 2015

Good afternoon,

I have tried your gazpacho and it is very similar to the gazpacho my mother makes. I like it a lot.

Rafael, Madrid
9 August 2015

Good afternoon,

I would like to tell you that your gazpacho is spectacular and causes addiction. It is tastier than many home-made gazpachos I have tried. Luckily, your gazpacho is available in supermarkets all year. I also would like to know if the content in vitamins and nutrients in freshly-made gazpacho are the same as in packed gazpacho.

Thanks a lot.

Loreto, Bilbao
28 July 2015

Gazpacho is amazing. I usually buy it at DIA. I do not get tired of having it. It is a pity that it is not available in winter. Congratulations on your good work.

María José, Madrid
27 July 2015

Some days ago I tried your gazpacho and I can tell you that it is the best gazpacho I have ever tried. It is tasty, delicious and has an ideal intense taste. It is the best choice because of its top quality ingredients. María José

Samuel Márquez
25 July 2015

Dear people in charge of Solfrío:

I have tried all kinds of industrial gazpachos and salmorejos, some of them better not to repeat others a little bit better. But in your case, I have to congratulate you. Your gazpacho is the best by far. I tried your gazpacho last year but today I have had the chance to try your salmorejo... it is sublime. I think that with the quality of your products you are going to blow away competitors soon. I live in Cáceres and it is only now that some of your products are available there: organic gazpacho. I can only find your gazpacho and salmorejo when I go to Andalusia on holidays. Please, invest on marketing or whatever to distribute your products throughout Spain. After having tried your gazpacho and salmorejo, other brands such as Alvalle, Hacendado, Bertín Osborne, etc. taste like poor beverages.



Karina, Almería
23 July 2015

In my opinion, the gazpacho I make is one of the best! I make it in the same way my mother taught me. The other day, by chance, I bought Solfrío gazpacho. Sincerely speaking, I love it. It is delicious and does not leave an aftertaste. I think it is one of the best gazpachos in the market.

David, Madrid
16 July 2015

I have tried all brands of gazpacho in the market and this is the best!! I have been buying your gazpacho for some years. At first, it was only available in small greengrocers but I was pleasantly surprised when I found it at Alcampo. I hope you do not take quality down because of the high demand. Congratulations!

Manuel, Chiclana de la Frontera
5 July de 2015

I am from Almería but currently I am living in Cádiz. Your gazpacho has taken me back to the pure and healthy gazpacho my mother makes. It is simply delicious!“

Jose García, Madrid
27 June 2015

After enjoying salmorejo, I bought it at our neighbourhood DIA supermarket in Madrid, apart from the wonderful tasting experience, I felt proud to check that so tasty products are made in my homeland of Andalucía. I wish you great success.

Maria del Mar, Granada
22 June 2015

I have tasted Solfrío and I think it is incredible! Better than if I make it. I have not prepared gazpacho again. It is extraordinary. I recommend it to all my friends.

Inma, Málaga
12 June 2015

I have tried this gazpacho for the first time and I can only say that I am flipping out with its flavour! It is really tasty! Like home-made gazpacho or even better! I am going to buy your creams because I am sure they are delicious. Hurray for high-quality products from Andalucía!

Hugo, Madrid
10 June 2015

It is incredible how good your gazpacho is... I have it even for breakfast!

Alberto, Madrid
5 June 2015

Good afternoon,

I discovered your gazpacho by chance three days ago (Alvalle (another gazpacho brand) was not available at Carrefour) and... surprise! It is one of the best gazpachos I have ever tried, much better than any other brand in the market.
One tip: add a little sweet paprika, it is fantastic! I can only congratulate you for this excellent product.

Goodbye Alvalle.

Jose María, Madrid
4 June 2015


Last week I discovered the gazpacho you make. I can buy it at a Carrefour hypermarket in Hortaleza, Madrid. Sorry for the swearword: Fuck, how good it is! I have taken four litres in seven days and I think I’ll drink much more during the summer time. You have done excellently and what’s more: without colorants or preservatives.


Fernando Suárez,
29 April 2015

Good afternoon,

I have seen that you are the ones who make the gazpacho, which is being distributed in the schools of the Junta de Andalucía (self-government of Andalucía) as part of the fruit consumption plan.

This gazpacho is really good (as good as home-made gazpacho) and I would like to know where I can buy it in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Best regards
Fernando Suárez

Mari Paz, Linares
8 September 2014

Inevitably, I need to write to you because at last, I have found a packaged gazpacho that tastes really good Congratulation! I am a Solfrío fan!

Manuel, Barcelona
1 September 2014

Hello, I am a consumer of both gazpacho and salmorejo. You have set a very high standard because of the quality of your products.

Carlos, Alicante
31 August 2014

Dear Sirs,
I have never tried as good gazpacho as yours. I truly think you are doing a great work with your products and I encourage you to continue like this.

Manuel, Málaga
13 August 2014

Your gazpacho is really good and salmorejo superb. Congratulations.

12 August 2014

Healthy, natural and fresh... “Olé olé gazpacho!

Luis Alcázar
9 August 2014

Congratulations, Solfrío for your gazpacho made with organic farming products that I have bought at El Corte Inglés. It is really tasty. I had not taken a gazpacho as good as yours for a long time.

25 July 2013

Dear Sirs,

I am a usual consumer of gazpacho. I have tried all the brands within my reach and my opinion is that the flavour was more similar to tomato juice than gazpacho.

I usually bought Andalusian gazpacho at Mercadona (chain of supermarkets) but today I have tried your gazpacho at DIA, at the premium refrigerated section. Simply delicious, like gazpacho prepared my grandmother. I think your gazpacho achieves the highest quality levels”.

I just wanted to congratulate you.

Yours sincerely,

Soledad, Barcelona
8 June 2013

Good afternoon,

I was wondering if you could tell me where I can buy your gazpacho in Barcelona. Some time ago I bought it at Disgor or at Gracia grocery market (a district of Barcelona) but at present it is not available there and it is difficult to find it. 

I just want to say that your gazpacho is the best (we like the most) I have ever tried. Currently, we are not having gazpacho because I don’t know where to buy it and we really miss it!

Thank you in advance

Consumidor, Valencia
18 April 2013


First of all, I want to congratulate you for your products. I got to know you at Valencia Trade Fair and I really enjoyed your gazpacho, it is much better than my gazpacho and ALMOST the same as my wife’s gazpacho. At the trade fair you told me that I could buy it at ALCAMPO but I have asked there and I was told that it is not available now or in the future. Could you please tell me where I can buy it in Valencia? I usually go shopping at TERRA VERDA, I know the owner and I have told her about you and I think she spoke to you at the trade fair.

If this product is not distributed in Valencia, I would appreciate if you could tell me how I can buy it and its cost.

Thank you.

Amèlia, Barcelona
11 April 2013

Good morning,

I am sending this mail because for some years Solfrío has been the only gazpacho sold in my shop in Mataró (Barcelona) but, I was surprised when our distributor told me that your product would not be distributed by him any longer.

I was wondering if we could receive your product directly. If not, could you please send us a new distributor? I am pleased to tell you that our customers are waiting for your gazpacho and we always want to provide them with the products they want.

I am sending the link to our web page for you to know that your product is sold in a good shop.

Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,

Jose, Almería
6 April 2013

Dear Sirs,

After listening to your radio spots, I could not resist visiting your web page and contacting you. Some years ago, I discovered your gazpacho by chance in a local shop in Retamar and I have never found it anywhere else. I live in Huércal, Almería and I would like to know the nearest place where I can buy it, in Huércal or even in Almería. I would be delighted to go where you tell me because I am a convinced consumer.

I enjoy your gazpacho. Its flavour is natural and balanced. I congratulate you for that. Your competitors cannot compete with it. As a case in point:

Please, do not change its formula, this is what makes your gazpacho be unique. I hope that distribution problems you commented are solved soon.

Mikel, Pamplona
19 December 2012

Good morning,

A short time ago, I had the opportunity to try your gazpacho while I was staying at Melià hotel. I was really impressed by its natural taste, as if it was not cooked. I was wondering about your secret and I visited your web page for more information about your products and points of sale. I live in Pamplona and I have not found your products anywhere.  I would like you to inform me where I can buy your range of products. I usually travel on business to Logroño and Zaragoza, perhaps your products are available there.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


María, Madrid
12 November 2012


Me, as many other people, declare myself as an absolute fan of your gazpacho. My sincere congratulations.
I tried it by chance and now I always have it!

I live in Madrid city (...). I am afraid that when winter comes you are not selling this product. I would like you to inform me where I can buy it again. No matter if I cannot buy it in a shop near my house. Just tell me where, please.
Thanks a lot.

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Best regards.

Carlos, Zaragoza
18 July 2012

Hello, Last year I tried your gazpacho and I was really impressed by its quality and natural taste. I am sending this mail because I would like you to tell me where I can buy your gazpacho in Zaragoza. The shop where I bought it last year is closed now. There, I was told that your gazpacho is not delivered regularly to shops and there are distribution problems.

Looking forward to your reply

Thank you,


Jorge, Almería
18 July 2012

I don’t want my mother in law to disinherit me:

Please, tell me your gazpacho points of sale in the centre of Almeria or leave me a couple of boxes (12 units per box) wherever you want and I’ll collect them.  Otherwise, my mother in law will disinherit me despite the fact that my wife is the only child.

Best regards, Jorge.

Judit, Menorca
29 June 2012

We are regular consumers of your gazpacho in Barcelona, where we usually live.

Now we are in Menorca until September and we have not found your brand anywhere in the island. We got hooked to Solfrío gazpacho and is Solfrío or no other brand else.

I was wondering if you could deliver to us directly.

Thanks in advance.


Manuel, Málaga
24 March 2012


I am writing from Málaga. I have tasted your gazpacho during the school campaigns for promoting products from Andalucía and I would like to know where your gazpacho is available in Málaga.

Congratulations for its extraordinary taste.



Elena, Barcelona
5 March 2012

Good evening, I live in Barcelona and I would like to know where I can buy Solfrío gazpacho.

It is one of the few things my father, who is quite old, can have. The other family members like it a lot, too. I would appreciate your response.



Eva, Barcelona
26 June 2011

Good morning,

I am sending this mail to congratulate you for this product that has quite won me over. I am talking about your gazpacho. I thought my congratulations would be something unusual as currently, it is not easy to find good quality products in the market and people don’t usually express their appreciation. But, it is not like this... I have visited your web page and I have realised that your gazpacho has seduced many people. I have no words to describe your gazpacho: home-made style, natural, high quality, delicious, extraordinary taste, etc. I love gazpacho but I don’t like cooking. Therefore, I have always bought gazpacho already prepared but I don’t like it at all. I don’t like any brand in the market. They are horrible! Most of them taste like tomato, and even worse, some gazpachos taste like packaged fried tomato! I live in Barcelona and I have found your gazpacho at Keisy supermarkets. I bought as many cartons of gazpacho as my fridge can keep! But now there are no more left! At present, it is not available at the supermarket and I would like to know if it will be available soon. I think the supermarket has to sell the other brands that have not been sold yet.

Greeting to Almería!! I love you.

J. Martí, Barcelona
23 June 2011

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Heat of the summer is here and we have always liked to meet our culinary likes having the traditional Andalusian gazpacho.

At Sabadell market, I realised that your company commercialises an excellent package.

Its taste deserves all positive descriptions; it is suitable as a main dish if adding bits of different products, refrigerated moderately, in daily meals throughout the summer heat wave.

Apart from my congratulations for the product presentation and delicious taste, I would like to provide you with some remarks that I think will contribute to the European expansion of gazpacho. 

The corresponding package indications are in Spanish, English and French. I think translation into German should be included because:

I retired twenty years ago. Due to my work, I had many relationships with Western Germany (Bonn) and I usually travelled there on business.

German people are used to having some soup before the other dishes of the meal. It even has a popular expression: “Tage Suppe”, which means “Soup of the day”.

And now, the main reason for my email:

I am only mentioning the important city of Düsseldorf. There were two restaurants that were run by Spaniards, one of them in “All Stadt” and the other one in an important square. When heat arrived, there was a notice at the entrance saying: 

“Spanish Tage Suppe”

Friends, people queued to taste the gazpacho they served, which was delicious (soup and bits) and with appropriate coolness.

I would be pleased if this recommendation was useful to you. Congratulations again for your product and package. Yours faithfully,

J. Martí.

Patricia, Madrid

(...) My problem, like almost everybody, is lack of time and Albal is far from my office and from home. Sincerely speaking, you make the best gazpacho I have ever tried. It is not only me who thinks like that, on an Iberia flight, more than one business-class passenger got interested in your product.

Looking forward to hearing from you, best regards.

Ana, Barcelona

I am a usual consumer of your Solfrío gazpacho in Barcelona but I have some difficulties in finding it in shops or supermarkets. I would like you to send me the address of the wholesaler, who distributes it here, to buy it directly from him/her if possible. I guess I would have to buy it in larger amounts than in a shop.

Regards, Ana.

Soledad, Jaén

My name is Soledad and I live in Jaén. My family and I have been consuming Solfrío gazpacho for four years. I don’t buy it in a supermarket or hypermarket, it is not available there. I buy it in a small local company that sells different types of items. We are delighted with your product but I have been told that it will not be available from now on. I wanted to know if there is a nearby point of sale to buy it or maybe you could deliver it directly to me.

Consumidor, Madrid

Hello, I am a customer from Madrid. Until recently, I bough your product in a shop but now it is closed. I would like you to inform me if there is a shop in the centre of Madrid where I can buy it.

Many thanks in advance.

Consumidor, Zaragoza

Dear Sirs, Some weeks ago and by chance, I bought your product in a butchery that is near my house in Zaragoza. Specifically, I bought a tetrapack of your Andalusian gazpacho. Sincerely speaking and before asking my question, I want to congratulate you for your excellent product.

Both, my wife and me, think that this is the best gazpacho we have ever tasted and we have become loyal followers of your gazpacho.
Well, the thing is that we have only two packages of gazpacho at home and the shop where I buy it is closed for holidays. Humorously speaking, this can be a tragedy at home! I admit we have got hooked. Joking apart, we would like to know where else in Zaragoza I can buy it.

I want you to know that we are recommending your product to everybody. Then, follow this line, please. Thank you, Best regards.

Jorge, Madrid

Hi, I’m Jorge. I’m contacting you because I have had the chance to try your gazpacho and, from my point of view, it is delicious.

My question is: where can I buy it in Madrid? In a hypermarket or in a neighbour shop? Thanks a lot.

Consumidora, Barcelona

Hello, good morning:

I am a consumer of your gazpacho. I have been buying your gazpacho in Salt, Girona and I would like to know if there is a place in Figueres where I can buy it. If so, could you please send me the address? I have to move to Girona expressly for buying your gazpacho and I have some difficulties in driving.

Do you sell it to individuals? Thank you in advance.

Consumidor, Valencia

One day I tried your gazpacho and in my opinion, it is the best in the market (the most balanced). I would like to place an order because I don’t know where I can buy it near my house in the centre of Valencia. Could you please inform me how to proceed, prices and delivery costs?

Thank you very much.

Consumidor, Zaragoza

Dear Sirs, I am a usual consumer of gazpacho. Recently, I have been given your gazpacho, brand Solfrío. I like its taste and texture and I need to know where I can buy it in Zaragoza city. I wish to express my sincere congratulation and I predict great commercial success.

Lourdes, Valencia

Good morning. I’m Lourdes from Valencia. I’m contacting you for two reasons:
The first and main reason is to congratulate you for your gazpacho, tetrabrick packed. It is really tasty and I think it is the only gazpacho in the market that tastes like the traditional and pure Andalucía-style gazpacho. I am not in favour of packaged or prepared food. I love cooking and I think that nothing is the same as if it is home cooked. But, I have been really impressed and I think that making a better gazpacho is impossible. CONGRATULATIONS!

The second reason is to know if you could provide me with information on delicatessen shops or supermarkets in Valencia where I can buy it. The market stall where I usually buy it closes for holidays in August. Because of its taste, it is not worth preparing it at home. Maybe I could buy it directly from you.

Looking forward to your soon reply.

Best regards and congratulations, again.

Send us your feedback!

You can also send us an email or call us.

Tel: +34 950 513 384

Some of our customers and distributors

El Corte Ingles
Supermercado Dia
Plataforma Cárnica
Cash Europa
Pollos Planes
Cash Lepe
Supermercados El Jamón

About Solfrío

Alimentaria de Andarax S.L is located in Fondón, a village in the Alpujarra of Almería in the vicinity of the National Park of Sierra Nevada.

Currently, we have an annual production capacity of three million litres, although it can be doubled.


Alimentaria Andarax S.L.
P.I. La Redonda.
C/ XIII, Nº 11
04710 El Ejido, Almería

Tel: +34 950 513 384
Móvil: +34 678 052 836

Email: solfrio@solfrio.net

Ask for information